
Where’s Your Focus?

Build forward with imperfect information.  It’s a phrase I use a lot and something that’s probably familiar to your ears as well.

This week’s episode is a reminder for us all.  I was in a conversation with a client and new supporter of our team recently and I peeled back another layer of the onion in my own understanding.

Was it a reminder, did I maybe know this already – kinda – and – it’s always good to revisit and digest on a deeper level.

This episode is as much for me as it is for you – a reminder about constantly checking where’s our focus?  Where should it be?

When we focus on fixing what’s right in front of us, we’re focused on doing better.  When we focus on what where we want to be… well sometimes those fixes are no longer required because we’re doing better things…


Seeking Diverse Perspectives

We’ve been talking a bit about mindset the past few episodes, and this week is another in the series.

Sometimes we need to look outside ourselves for the ideas and unique views that are not our own – to help us shift.

In today’s world it’s easy for the algorithms to do the thinking for us – playing us more and more of what we like – and that makes it harder and harder to break out of our shell.  This is even when we *know* that diversity makes for better decisions.

Whether it’s the machines optimising for your next like, or the well-meaning humans behind the publications you follow.   With the best of intentions we are constantly reinforcing what we already know, believe, trust.  It’s what gets your attention and keeps you in that comfort zone where you feel safe (particularly when we can be getting it from all angles in today’s climate!).

This week I’m talking about breaking out of that mould.  Let’s get a strategy in place and some good habits that keep you searching and growing – without it feeling too overwhelming.

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Your Real Work

All too often people get focused on the pieces of change – the new ways of working, how our teams will be structured, the latest tool for customer insights.

Trouble is, when we focus on the tools, the techniques, the methods… we’re missing the big picture.

Our role as game-changers is not about the methods.  Yes, you still need to introduce new modes of behaviour and process improvement.  But your real work is much greater and far-reaching than that.

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